Rainbowed (2017)


When a Rainbow takes a bow. There is a scientific explanation for why the inside of the rainbow is a different color than the outside. The light that reflects from the backside of the raindrops makes the rainbow itself, but the light that reflects from the frontside are just reflected, and therefore has the same color as the incoming light, mainly the afternoon golden hour in this case. Rainbows have 7 colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green Blue, Indigo and Violet. Some people get mad at the gay community for “stealing the Rainbow” for their flags. Did you know the original Gay Pride flag wasn’t a real rainbow? It dropped blue and added Hot Pink and Turquoise. Gilbert Baker designed the flag in 1978. He decided on a flag because the movement was just getting started and everyone knows that all the best movements need a flag. Baker saw the rainbow as a natural flag from the sky, so he adapted the concept and gave his each of his colors a meaning. Hot pink for sex, red for life, orange for healing, yellow for sunlight, green for nature, turquoise for art, indigo for harmony, and violet for spirit. He had to drop the hot pink and turquoise because the printing processes at the time couldn’t easily do those colors.
Honestly, though, doesn’t the science somehow take away some of the magic?
Maybe it’s really the reflection of the vast pot o’ gold? The ancient Greeks figured it was a message from the Goddess Iris. Then there was L. Frank Baum who created a land over the rainbow. Readers, know that in the Land of Oz, Rainbow was a personified character who was created by the Rain King. Rainbow was the father of several of the fairies of the land. Finally, it’s also a symbol of what theologians call God’s common grace – the grace he shows to all people. All of them. That includes you.


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